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Sunday, 12 March 2017

Construction Post 25: The Back-Up Shoot

Our back-up shoot was on the 5th March and we started at 9:00am as usual and finished at around 2:30pm.

Below are the shootboard pages for the back-up shoot. Please click to enlarge.

Picture showing the change in weather to sunny
Unfortunately it was raining that morning and was forecast to do so for the rest of the day so we had to change our plans slightly. When the rain started to lighten up, we started straight away on the outside shots, incorporating an umbrella into the planned shots. We got through two shots before the weather completely changed - the rain stopped and the sun started to come out.
We then re-did the shots that we had put an umbrella in and carried on with the others as we had originally planned.

Whilst shooting the red herring sequence, to ensure that we didn't make the same mistakes as last time, we kept a close eye on the distances between the runner and Shania. We also practised the hand held runner POV shots a lot more to try and ensure that whilst they were still shaky, they were still steady enough that they weren't too jolting and hard to follow like they were in the main shoot.

We also added a small amount of dialogue into this sequence as Shania was on the phone. She first says 'Yeah I'm alright, I just can't believe that he has been released' and after the runner bumps into her 'I'm alright, it's just a jogger'. I feel that this really added to the scene as it highlighted Shania's worry over the release of the rapist she prosecuted and made the final shot of the stalker watching the entire exchange even creepier.

To set up the phone call for outside and to really make clear to the audience that Shania was involved in the stalkers previous conviction and was worried about his release, we had a text come through on her phone from a friend saying that she had heard about the release and wondered if Shania was ok.

Screenshot of the text being received

Overall, I'm very pleased with the footage we got in the back-up shoot and believe that it will ensure that our opening is a lot clearer to the audience and builds a lot more tension throughout.

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