My Music Video

My Outside Digipak Panels

My Outside Digipak Panels

My Inside Digipak Panels

My Inside Digipak Panels

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Thursday, 16 March 2017

Question 5: How did you attract/address your audience?

We attracted our audience by using genre conventions, age appropriate themes and content and the uses and gratification theory.

Below is a mind map detailing how we specifically addressed our audience.
Please click the present button in the top right hand corner to make the mind map full screen for ease of navigation.

Audience Feedback

We showed our film opening to a range of people in our TA of both genders and ages ranging from 15-50. Below are videos from two of the groups, showing their reaction.

Here is an extract from some quantitative audience feedback data that I collected.
Audience feedback

Conclusions from feedback, with my own response to it in blue.

  • On the whole, our opening was clear and people could understand what was going on
    • I was very pleased with this as it shows that an audiece are able to follow what is happening in our opening which is the starting point to ensuring that the audiences' needs are met.
  • The hand held running shots were popular with everyone that we asked
    • Again, I was really pleased with this response as those shots were verey hard to film but my group and I pushed to do them becuase we thought that, not only were they visually interesting, but they also helped to immerse the audience in the action and aid escapism.
  • The majority of people liked the lack of dialogue as it added to the mystery of what was happening but some did feel like more would have been better or a bigger deal should have been made of the dialogue that was included
    • I agree that a bigger deal should have been made of the two lines of dialogue that we did include, but I liked the lack of speaking, not only because it reduced the chance of possible bad delieveries from the actor that could take the audience out of the moment, but also becuase I believe that it adds to the mystery of the sequence and tension building.
  • The stalker shots through the window could have been made more obvious - suggestions included fading the edges out of the hots or superimposing a camera viewfinder over the shots
    • These suggestions are something that if we had the chance to redo this project I would definitely consider because whilst I think that our idea was good with these stalker shots, in my opinion, they fall a bit flat. Making it more obvious that it's a stalker by superimposing a camera viewfinder could have better built tensions and suspense, in turn meeting the audience's needs for escapism and to be entertained.
  • The varied framing and angles of the shots were visually interesting 
    • This feedback was really pleasing because during pre-production my group and I spent a lot of time planning out our shots to be varied to ensure that our sequence didn't look ploddy and boring.

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